Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Office Candy Stash

I think I just had one of those sugar rush-crash and burn-type of things. I started off the day fairly well. Had half a bagel with peanut butter for breakfast. My mid-morning snack was a WW twinkie worth just 1 point. And lunch was home-made chicken enchilada soup, with a few lime tortilla chips for the crunch factor. Then, I ate a cupcake. Two in fact. And I'm not going to lie they were gooood. I don't know if they were 10 points good, but none the less. Now I'm feeling tired, I have no energy. I.Want.More. I want another cupcake, some chocolate milk and M&M's.

And I have none. So I'm being a good girl, going back to my original plan for the day and eating my apple and mini bag of popcorn. But that's because I'm out of M&M's.

For the last 4 years I've had a co-worker who keeps her largest file drawer full to the brim of candy. Turns out she wasn't the one putting the candy there. It was another co-worker that left the company. So no more candy drawer.

And months ago someone at work gave me a 5lb! bag of red and green Peanut M&M's. I locked them in my desk. And they stayed there forgotten about for the most part, until someone had a bad day, then I got out the keys, we all stood around and ate a handful and locked them right back up. We've had this bag since Dec. It's fed more than 12 people in that time span. Then last week I got a wild hair and turned the M&M duties over to someone else. Because I have to start taking my keys home with me now. Because there are un scrupulous characters that like to steal products in development from my floor. But that someone else didn't follow the rules and left the bag out in the open on his desk. And then my co-worker M ate the rest of the bag yesterday. A 1/4 of a 5lb bag of M&M's. Gone. Bye-bye. She's the kind of girl you love to hate. She eats a lot. Bad food too. Deep fried Mexican food. Ice cream every day. Whole (gasp) milk in her latte. And she tips the scales at a big bad 115lbs.

Life's not fair. I've got to Jazzercise my tush off tonight. No low impact for me. Its high impact all the way.

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