Friday, November 13, 2009


So I borrowed this from another pregnant woman blog, but I like it so I might do this every couple of weeks or so.

How Far Along? 18 weeks 6 days
Labor Signs? Nothing
Sleep? I try, but I can not get comfortable and find myself sleeping on my stomach when I shouldn't be
Best moment this week? My sonogram today, got to see lots of arm and leg movements and opening and closing of the mouth, and no "private parts"
Food Cravings? Cereal, although that's starting to wane
What I miss? my regular jeans
What I am looking forward to? my regular jeans
Milestones? One more week and we are half way there!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Passive Aggressive Notes

Most people have probably seen the blog Passive Aggressive Notes, but I had to post my own note today, because some one keeps stealing my yoplait delights. I have no idea on the culprit, but I'm annoyed. The two times its happened have both been days when I brought my lunch to work but had to leave early for whatever reasons and didn't eat it. Most times our lunch is safe in the fridge overnight (except every other Monday when its cleaned out). Both times I've gone to get my yogurt out to eat the next morning and its gone! They didn't touch my carrots or left over mac n'cheese though. I'm pregnant, isn't there something wrong with stealing from a pregnant woman?

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Back to School and other doings.

I'm really bad about posting. Its not that I don't have time, I guess just don't have a lot to say.
I'm 17 weeks into pregnancy numero dos now. We have a sonogram scheduled for next Friday, but by then I'll be 19 weeks. We aren't going to be finding out the gender this time around, but I'm still excited to see the little buggers face. I'm curious if he/she will be sucking their thumb. I don't remember noticing if Lily did it, but she sure is a big thumb sucker now. We haven't really begun doing a lot of planning for this one, there really isn't a lot to do. I know all about how to fill out my maternity leave paperwork (although we are losing some major benefits next year, not happy about that), my doctors nurse already pre-approved me for our hospital stay, and sometime in late January we'll go to the hospital for pre-registration. The only major thing we need to accomplish is switching bedrooms. Our house is a three bedroom, with 2 rooms on the main level and the 3rd upstairs. There is no bathroom upstairs so its not suitable for everyday living. Instead the kids are going to share a room. We've decided to swap rooms with Lily because her current room has "something" on every wall, either windows or doors, and her room has two exterior walls so its hard to regulate the temperature in there. However currently her room is painted extremely bright, blue, green,yellow and pink and I don't think James and I can live in that room. So we need to paint her room before we move into it. And our room has always needed to be repainted since we moved in, so maybe we'll finally get around to that.

In other news I was accepted into the Paralegal Studies Program at the local community college. I decided earlier this year that I needed a backup in case my current employment were to ever cease; I've survived 5 layoffs in 5 years, don't know if I can keep that streak up. Law has always interested me, so I did some research and looked into various programs. While law school really isn't in the cards for me now, it could be in the future and this seemed like a good stepping stone. I started over the summer, and took an online pre-req class, then this semester I'm taking two additional pre-req's and start the full program next Spring. I think I'm going to stick to taking 2 classes at a time. So far its worked out that I take one online class and one in person class. If I stick with that plan, I will complete the program in Dec 2011. Tomorrow I'm attending the Heartland Association of Legal Assistants annual fall conference, and one of the sessions is on how to find a job, how to get the job, how to keep the job, etc. I'm very interested in finding out what she has to say.