The whole day was bad. It started off good though. J took L to school, so Mommy could get ready in peace. It seems lately that if I step out of L's sight she screams and cries and chokes herself by sucking on her fingers. She follows me to the restroom and tries to get up on the my lap! While I am occupied. She tried to get in the shower with me. She wants to play in my make up- dear god its starting already?? I should have known it was all going to go downhill when I had to drop off my laptop yet again to get worked on. This time they said they'd move me to the front of the pack and it wouldn't be long. So I wondered over to our retail store and went to the back to help out with some receiving stuff. Two hours later, my computer was done. By then it was too late to work out, too late to get anything done, so I went to pick up L. I should have known, when I picked her up Miss C said she'd been fussy since her nap, always crying if she fell down or got bumped. I took her home and she screamed in the car for half the ride, the finally stuck her thumb in her mouth and looked out the window. When we got home she wouldn't budge. I should have known, I unbuckled her belts and she threw herself back in the seat. When I finally got her out, she hit me. Hard. So hard all we could both do is look at each other. I smiled and kissed her on the head, not feeling like disciplining her. She was fine after we got inside. Fine while she ate her dinner, and fine when I cleaned her up. Then daddy walked in the door, and back out the door because he left our sandwiches in the car. She screamed, thinking he wasn't coming back. Then she got better again. Fine through her bath, fine when I put her in bed, fine when Daddy walked out the door to go to wally world for Mommy. Fine when I cracked six eggs and beat them in a bowl, fine when I dumped 3 cups of sugar in a bowl. Not fine when I started melting butter. Not fine when I was trying to mix the 4 cups of mashed sweet potatoes into the clumped up sugar/egg/butter mixture that I neglected when I went to comfort her. Some might ask why I didn't just let her cry it out. See previous post http://relectionsandgripes.blogspot.com/2008/10/blindness-and-baby-puke.html, she likes to make herself sick by crying. Its easier to check on her, give her a hug and kiss, than it is to clean puke out of the crib. 

So needless to say my 3 sweet potato pies didn't turn out like the one I made before. Maybe it was my over zealousness and trying to make 3 at once. I would have been better off making one at a time. Then at least I would have only ruined one. I brought one to work anyway for the Harvest Potluck, but I didn't bother to label it as mine. It doesn't look pretty, J said it tastes fine, but I wanted it to be pretty.

Oh but that wasn't the end of the bad night. Why was J running off to wally world for me? Because I clogged up the sink trying to feed the disposal all my sweet potato shavings. We needed Draino. And swiffer wetjet solution to mop my floor. Oh wait, the batteries were dead on the swiffer. When I changed them, it still didn't work. I gave up at that point and went to bed. But wait there was a large pile of laundry, I half heartedly put some away, threw the rest of the dresser, turned out the lights and crawled under the covers. I gave up.
When I got up this morning, the sink was fine. The gross water that had backed up into the dishwasher was gone. Turns out the draino didn't work but the plunger did. And my swiffer is working again.
L is still in a foul mood though. I think she's adding to her mouthful of teeth. At least she looks cute trying to figure out what in god's name did her mommy dress her in this morning!