Friday, October 24, 2008

What to complain about today...

I'll start with the two guys on the entrance ramp to the interstate who decided they had to race each other down the ramp and onto the interstate during RUSH HOUR! I mean I've got a baby in the car, don't endanger her life because you have to prove who has the bigger youknowwhat.
Then there was the fact I got up numerous times in the middle of the night with L, who really was only thirsty. Man that kid can drink some water. Which also meant several diaper changes. Then we overslept, because we were so tired from all the water drinking and diaper changing. Then in the car on the way to daycare she takes her baggie full of teddy grahams and yogurt bites and dumps them all over herself and my somewhat clean car. But she's so darn cute, its hard to get mad at her. So I got mad at myself for giving her a snack in a baggie. I need some of those no spill snack cups, they can get their little fat fingers in but can't dump the snack out. I think I saw them at Target.
Then I got to work and realized I was really cold, well no kidding I wasn't wearing a coat. I am wearing a turtle neck and tank top, but I'm still cold. I think the air is still on in my building.

Things will improve after lunch....

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