Thursday, December 4, 2008

Forget me nots, and WW 3.0 Update

Short post, before I stop procrastinating and get some work done. We were out of town all last week for Thanksgiving with the Watson's in St Louis, and this weekend we'll be with the Wear's in Branson. Its gonna be cold. But Christmasy.

Anyways, first things first the WW 3.0 update. I don't think I posted after I was worried about the week with all the mexican and yummo cookies. That week I managed to lose almost 4 lbs even after all that! Then that same day our leader, Sam, discussed what is an acceptable amount of weight to lose each week and she said that if you lose 3-4 lbs consistently each week after your first month, then some thing is not right and you aren't eating enough or exercising too much. Oops. That was my third week at 3+ lbs, so I thought I better be careful, or they'll find out about the magic pill my DR prescribed. Haha, not to worry, when I went back 4 days later (because we would be out of town on Saturday, my normal weigh in date) I had gained! 2.2 lbs. Ouch. To be fair it was only 4 days later, and it was evening, and it was the dreaded time of bloated-ness. So then I wasn't too shocked to learn today that I had lost back that 2.2lbs even with Thanksgiving and my sisters 6 dozen cookies! No, I did not eat 72 cookies, but I could have. So at the 1 month mark I've lost 10.6 lbs. Pretty good.

Now on to the forget me nots. Lets talk about the scatterbrains that J and I are. Really, lets just talk about him. He knows this was coming. I told him this evening after my embarrassing admission at the library that it was all his fault and he would get a post dedicated to him. Lets start with Tuesday. I dropped L off at school and noticed that another little girl had her school pictures in her cubby, I checked L's and no pics. I didn't have time to ask Miss Brittany where they were. My fault. J picked her up that day. Fast forward to Thursday morning, when I dropped L off I noticed a sign on the door that said "return all proofs by Monday". Hmmm I thought, I don't have any proof and L only goes to school Tues/Thursday. So then I figured the pictures were so horrible we didn't even get any proofs. As I was leaving, Miss CJ stopped me to ask if I had L's pictures. Nope, don't have them. She said they handed them out last Wed, and we weren't there. But she couldn't find them on the desk. She said she'd have Miss Susie look that afternoon. About 2pm I got a voicemail, Miss Susie, laughing saying she gave the pictures to J on Tuesday afternoon, and she remembered so well because L helped her get them. So I do what any good wife does. I call J at home, ask him if he has L's school pictures, and he goes "yeeessss" very slowly as it started to sink in that he forgot to give them to me. He's a professional photographer for crissakes. So I'm thinking one of two things. Either he thinks the pictures are bad and he could do better (which is true) or he doesn't want me to spend money on yet another set of L pictures (also true). Anyways, I just laughed, said make sure you bring them in the house, and I'll drop them off tomorrow. As I hang up I hear my cube farm neighbor snort and tell me that I'm mean. Why? Because I knew perfectly damn well that he had the pictures but I asked anyways to be snarky. Yep its true, snarky is the best adjective to describe me. She laughed though, all in good fun, because shes the same way as me. And yes I did apologize to J for being snarky.
But then the good part. After feeling bad and apologizing I have to go return some books to the library. As I'm leaving J reminds me the library called last Tuesday about a missing CD, they had the case and no CD. We searched the cars and computers on Wed, didn't find anything, left to go to St Louis, forgetting all about it. So I got to the library, pay the $7 of fines on J's account (from other stuff) and then talk to the head librarian. I did not get snarky with her. I knew it wasn't her fault, but I was worried the CD had fallen out and was stuck in some book about 1980's hair bands that no one would check out until the next GNR CD was released. She said she'd talk to her boss in the morning about it and call me, but to replace the CD was $17 ( I know I could totally get it cheaper from itunes). I get back out to the car, take one more cursory glance under the floor mats and seats, start the car and then notice the CD light is lit up on the player. Hmmm, I don't listen to CD's very often so its likely that its one from like 6 months ago, but I'll push the eject button and check. You've got to be effing kidding me. Out pops a CD I don't recognize. So I sheepishly go back in the building, again braving the 25 degree temps. Tell the librarian, don't ask, I'll pay the late fees next week and leave. I was seriously considering dropping it in the return box and running. But that would be dishonest.

When I got home J asked what the library said.
"Seventeen dollars to replace the CD" I told him.
"What, they aren't going to discount or anything? I know we returned it",
"Nope" I reply "no discounts, especially after I found it in my CD player".

Snarky? yes or no?

BTW he said that he didn't remember putting it in, but its possible that he was listening to it on the way home the day he checked it out. Which means it sat there for 3 weeks. Oh and he proceeds to tell me it wasn't any good. And that when we checked the cars, he checked *his* car's CD player. I had to remind him it didn't have a CD player.

We are smrt. Love you honey!

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