Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Obama vs McCain

I'm going to start with a disclaimer. I know I'm making generalizations. It's all in good fun. No I'm not going to tell you who I voted for and I don't want to know who you voted for. That's your business. What matter's is that you voted.

Over the last 2-3 months, when driving about, I've been forming a list in my head of differences between McCain supporters and Obama supporters. Its not a Republican vs Democrat thing either. There are a lot of Obama supporters that are Republicans, and vice versa (well maybe not so many Democrats supporting McCain) but you get my point.

So here is my list.

Obama supporters drive foreign cars.
McCain supporters drive domestic.

Obama supporters dry clean their clothes.
McCain supporters do it the old fashioned way.

Obama supporters prefer KU over MU, and K-State over KU. You won't really get that reference if you aren't from the Midwest.
McCain supporters just like to watch football.

Obama supporters have bumper stickers that say "I heart my dogs", "PETA", "I'd rather be shopping at Nordstroms"
McCain supporters have bumper stickers that say "PETA, People Eating Tasty Animals", "My kid beat up your honor student", "NRA"

Obama supporters carry pocket dogs, and take them into the mall.
McCain supporters don't have pets.

Obama supporters watch Dave.
McCain supporters watch Jay.

Obama supporters watch GMA.
McCain supporters watch the Today show.

Obama supporters shop at Whole Foods, and buy organic.
McCain supporters shop at Wal-Mart.

Obama supporters honk the horn if you sleep through a red light.
McCain supporters do nothing, smile politely, then give you the finger when you aren't looking.

Obama supporters will tell you when, where, how and why you should vote.
McCain supporters just say vote. And most of the time won' t admit who they voted for, should they get beat up for it. That's okay though because later they can sport stickers that say " I voted for the other guy" when it all gets mucked up. Not that its going to happen.

So that's it. That's my list. Its short. And by no way and means does it reflect my political preferences. According to the online quiz I took before the primaries, I was going to vote for Hilary!

So what differences have you spotted? They can be funny, true, blatant lies. It's your opinion and you are entitled to it. God Bless America.

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